Friday, December 12

Slug Kisser

{18mm; 1/60s; F3.5; ISO1600; 11/28/08- Liz’s B-day: Gabrielle (Liz’s sister) kissed the banana slug claiming a numbing agent was in its slime. Much to her surprise, she only received a pleasant sheen on her lips.}

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Liz said...

oo! I like the reaction buttons!

Jeff said...

That's disgusting. My wife and I used to work with banana slugs during school and they're nasty little buggers. One of Sarah's friends thought it would be a good idea to pretend the slug goo was boogers and shoved a bunch of it up her own caused her nostrils to inflame and she couldn't breath out of her nose for a couple days. Dummy.

And when they die, they liquify in a day or two and smell like...dead things...ugh! The memories make me shudder.