Wednesday, December 31

Liz’s Scarf

{35mm; 1/30s; F5; ISO800; 12/28/08: Liz sitting in a hand chair. The lighting from the big windows really lit up her eyes. That scarf is crazy.}

Tuesday, December 30

Rodin’s the Thinker

{32mm; 1/60s; F4.5; ISO200; 12/28/08: Rodin’s the Thinker outside of The Legion of Honor in San Francisco’s Presidio. }

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Monday, December 29

Lichen on a Rock in Marin

{55mm; 1/60s; F5.6; ISO100; 12/25/08: Lichen on a rock on the Christmas Day hike. Was good to work off some food. The sun was about to set so I got some nice golden hour shots.}

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Sunday, December 28

A Framed Gate

{55mm; 1/100s; F10; ISO100; 12/27/08: Golden Gate Bride tower being framed by the hills in the Marin Headlands.}

Saturday, December 27

Atop Liz’s Hill

{18mm; 1/200s; F8.0; ISO400; 12/25/2008: Christmas hike to the top of Liz’s Hill. It was cool because I got to play with some new electronics toys. I like the way there is both light and dark in this landscape.}

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Friday, December 26

Pull the Hook

{33mm; 1/30s; F5.0; ISO400; 12/23/08: Color on black and white. Fire alarm box near Divisadero and Haight St.}

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Thursday, December 25

San Francisco Panorama

{50mm; 1/2500s; F8; ISO800; 12/13/08: I wish I had turned down the ISO, ahh, whatever. It is a stitching of four images. Nice clouds after the rain.}

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Wednesday, December 24

Paper Electric Lantern

{50mm; 1/400s; F1.4: ISO1600; 12/12/08: Electric lights in the back of Wild Side West, our favorite local bar.}

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Tuesday, December 23

Log on Fire

{50mm; 1/125s; F1.4; ISO800; 12/14/08: A log in Matt’s fireplace.}

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Monday, December 22

Parked Cars on Nevada

{50mm; 1/15s; F1.4; ISO1600; 12/13/08: With any other lens, this shot would be inaccessible. As it was, I had to do some digital massaging to get it to come out with this much light. The small depth of field makes everything kind of fuzzy so it doesn’t show up too bad in the full picture.}

Sunday, December 21

Garfield Park Mural – Sea Monster and Rainbow Goddess

{50mm; 1/1600; F4.5; ISO100; 12/11/08: This is the mural on the  local cheap pool near my house in Garfield Park.  I took this picture while on my bike ride to the 4th St. train station. The sun was still low in the sky so it cast nice shadows and really got the colors to pop.}

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Saturday, December 20


{50mm; 1/50s; F1.4; ISO400; 12/10/08: Color on black and white. Just an apple I was eating.}

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Friday, December 19


{50mm; 1/250s; F1.4; ISO800: 12/10/08: Arturo is a friend of my roommate Olga. Used the light to cast shadows and make the background dark.}

Thursday, December 18

Waiting for the Train

{50mm; 1/60s; F1.4; ISO800; 12/10/08: Train is out of focus due to narrow depth of field and is also moving.}

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Wednesday, December 17

Adonis – Portrait of a Cat

{50mm; 1/30s; F1.4; ISO800; 12/9/08: One of the first pictures with my new lens, the rug made a really nice background color, and I just love those whiskers.}

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Tuesday, December 16

San Francisco Light Smear

{50mm; ~20s; F9; ISO100; 12/13/08: I was taking another HDR image of SF as a storm was blowing by and it actually blew over my tripod. Luckily I was there to catch it.}

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Monday, December 15

SF - Civic Center in Blue

{60mm; 30s; F9.0; ISO100; 11/15/08: Missed a post, so this is a back posting. City at night, you can see Ceasar Chavez to the Civic Center. They had it in blue all night.}

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Sunday, December 14

Train Tunnel- Creepy

{50mm; 1/30s; F1.4; ISO800; 12/11/08: Color on black and white. Took this on the Caltrain headed north after work. There are two tunnels before my stop, and luckily, the train has lights! The effect is done by panning the camera while shooting at the same speed as the train, that way only one spot is in focus.}

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Saturday, December 13

Spiky Spiral

{54mm; 1/60s; F4.5; ISO 800; 11/29/08: Spiky bamboo like plant. You can see where the spikes come away from the shoot. SF Botanical Gardens.}

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Friday, December 12

Slug Kisser

{18mm; 1/60s; F3.5; ISO1600; 11/28/08- Liz’s B-day: Gabrielle (Liz’s sister) kissed the banana slug claiming a numbing agent was in its slime. Much to her surprise, she only received a pleasant sheen on her lips.}

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Thursday, December 11

Adonis – God of Virgins


{35mm; 9s; F6.3; ISO 200; 12/6/08: Adonis’ fuzzy butt in the glass of the door separating our house.}

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Wednesday, December 10

The SUV Stops

{28.0mm; 52s; F13; ISO 100; 12/7/08: Out my window, SUV slowed, stopped and then went on. Dude across the street has a red lighted everwhite tree…}

Tuesday, December 9

Spikes and Succulence

{50mm; 1/30s; F4.5; ISO 800: Some weird tree-cactus-succulent thing at the Botanical Gardens}

Monday, December 8

Oyster Mushrooms

{45mm; 1/30s; F4.5; ISO 1600; Another low light close-up. Cannot wait for my 50mm, F1.4 to show up tomorrow!} 

Sunday, December 7

Ray Swaney

{18mm; 0.8s; F3.5; ISO 1600: I'm amazed this isn't more blurry at 0.8s- nice AF Tamron...Taken inside of a redwood tree using a little slit of light. Ray is an artist friend of mine.}

Saturday, December 6

Woodland Mushroom

{42mm; 1/30; F4.0; ISO 1600: During Liz’s Bday hike.}

Friday, December 5



{18mm; 1/40s; F3.5; ISO 1600: Taken during Thanksgiving while Matt was stirring the gravy. Color on bw grapefruit.}

Thursday, December 4

Bike Spokes and Ghost People

Bike People Blur_lite {18mm; 12s; F22; ISO 100: Another train station picture. What can I say, it’s part of my life. Probably about 30 or so people walked by during this picture.}

Wednesday, December 3

Golden Gate in the Morning

Golden Gate in the Morning_lite

{25mm; 1/1000s; F8; ISO 400: HDR image using one single image. Going across the Golden Gate in the morning on Thanksgiving.}

Tuesday, December 2

Tree Blood

Bleeding Tree-color on bw_lite

{70mm; 1/50s; F6.3; ISO 800- Color on Black and white of tree sap on the end of a cut redwood at Samuel P. Taylor State Park in Marin- Liz’s B-day Hike.}

Monday, December 1

Train Sheet

{28mm; 19s; ISO 100: Another evening at the train station picture, from the ground using the lens hood as a lift.}